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Top Things Real Estate Agents Aren’t Doing (That’s Leaving Money on the Table)

Alright, let’s get real. There’s a lot of money floating around in real estate, and the difference between making a killing or barely scraping by? It's usually in the details. Too many agents are missing out on golden opportunities because they aren’t doing a few simple things that could dramatically boost their bottom line. Let’s break it down:

1. Not Building a Personal Brand

Look, if you’re just blending in with every other agent in your area, you’re losing business—period. Clients don’t just buy homes; they buy trust, expertise, and personality. If you’re not out there with a personal brand that’s memorable and distinct, you’re missing out on referrals and repeat clients. Start treating yourself like a brand, not just another name on a business card.

How to Fix It: Start a blog, newsletter, record videos, or even share tips on social media. Show who you are, what you know, and why people should work with you specifically.

Where to start: ConvertKit, beehiiv

2. Neglecting Follow-Up

Everyone loves to close deals, but too many agents drop the ball after the deal is done. Staying in touch with past clients is essential because guess who refers you to their friends? Happy homeowners. If you’re not keeping those relationships alive, you’re leaving potential commissions on the table.

How to Fix It: Set up a system—monthly emails, holiday cards, or even a quick check-in call a few times a year. It doesn’t take much, but the impact is massive.

Where to start: Moosend, GetResponse

3. Forgetting About Niche Markets

Everyone is chasing the same type of buyer or seller, but few agents take the time to tap into niche markets—think retirees, military families, or first-time homebuyers. These groups have specific needs and, often, fewer agents specializing in their unique challenges.

How to Fix It: Pick a niche that aligns with your skills or interests. Become the expert in that area, and you’ll have clients coming to you because they know you "get" them.

Where to start: Outgrow, Typeform

4. Ignoring Real Estate Tech

Too many agents are stuck using old-school methods while the real estate world is evolving at warp speed. If you’re not using digital tools—CRMs, social media ad platforms, or virtual tours—you’re making your job harder than it needs to be. And you’re definitely missing out on clients who expect a tech-savvy experience.

How to Fix It: Start small. Use a CRM to manage clients, learn how to run a Facebook ad, or offer virtual home tours. A little tech goes a long way in making you look like a next-gen agent.

Where to start: Todoist, Fiverr

5. Not Leveraging Video Marketing

I hate to break it to you, but text-heavy listings are so 2010. Buyers want to see properties come to life, and video marketing is how you do it. If you’re not using video to showcase homes or even just to introduce yourself, you’re losing clients to the agents who are.

How to Fix It: Get in front of a camera—whether it’s a property walkthrough, a neighborhood tour, or a Q&A. It doesn’t have to be Hollywood-level production. Authenticity sells.

Where to start: Outgrow, Fiverr

6. Failing to Negotiate Like a Pro

Negotiation isn’t just a skill—it’s an art. Too many agents accept the first offer without pushing for a better deal. When you don’t negotiate well, you’re leaving money on the table for both yourself and your clients. Clients expect their agent to fight for them, not just be a messenger.

How to Fix It: Sharpen your negotiation skills. Know the comps, understand your client’s needs, and don’t be afraid to push for a better deal. Confidence in negotiation translates directly into dollars.

Where to start: Todoist

7. Underestimating the Power of Reviews

People shop for agents like they shop for anything else: by checking reviews. If you’re not actively gathering and showcasing client testimonials, you’re leaving the door open for your competition to steal leads just because they have better online presence.

How to Fix It: Ask every client for a review—immediately after closing. Make it part of your process. More reviews mean more credibility, and that turns into more business.

Where to start: MailerLite, Moosend

If any of these hit a little too close to home, it’s time to tweak your game plan. Stop leaving money on the table—make these adjustments and you’ll see just how much more your real estate career can offer.

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