Agent Resources

All real estate agents have one focus—to grow their business and their bottom line. That’s exactly what this page is here to help with. We’ve gathered the best tools, resources, and secret weapons that can give you the edge you need. These aren’t just any random links; they’re curated essentials that have the potential to make a real impact on your day-to-day operations and long-term success.

Whether you’re looking to streamline your workflow, amp up your marketing game, or just make your life a little easier, everything you need is right here. And when you find something that fits your needs and decide to go for it, Splits and Caps earns a small commission at no extra cost to you. That’s how we keep this ship sailing.

So go ahead, take a look around, and start stacking those wins. Your bottom line will thank you.

Productivity & Task Management

Email Marketing & Automation:

Content Creation & Distribution:


Surveys, Forms, & Engagement:

Outsourcing & Freelance Services

Want to level up even more?
Hit up our Agent Bookshelf. Looking to streamline your game? Check out our Agent Resources. Not subscribed to our newsletter yet? Do that here.