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  • The Ultimate Social Media Playbook for Real Estate Agents

The Ultimate Social Media Playbook for Real Estate Agents

1. Stop Selling, Start Sharing

Here’s the first rule of social media: people don’t want to be sold to. Constantly posting “Just Listed” or “Call me if you need a realtor!” gets old fast. People scroll right past that. Instead, think of social as a relationship-building tool. Share your experiences, your wins, your losses, and give your audience a reason to connect with you. Be the human behind the brand.

Pro Tip:

Next time you’re at a showing, snap a quick selfie and talk about something cool or challenging about the property. Show your audience you’re living the real estate life, not just selling it.

2. Be a Storyteller, Not a Billboard

Real estate isn’t just about properties—it’s about people. Buyers and sellers have stories, and those stories are what connect them to you. Don’t just post a listing with the price and square footage. Share the journey. Talk about the couple who just bought their first home and how you helped them get there. Tell people about the quirky history behind a property.

People follow you for stories, not stats. It’s the emotional connection that makes them want to do business with you.

Pro Tip:

If you’re listing a property, talk about how it was discovered or the unique things that make it stand out. Did someone renovate the basement into a mini home theater? Tell that story. Show you care about more than just closing the deal.

3. Go Easy on the Stock Photos

You know those polished stock images of dream homes with perfectly staged interiors? They might look nice, but they don’t tell anyone who you are. Anyone can post a pretty house—you need to post something that gets people interested in you.

Real photos from your life, your listings, and your day-to-day will build way more trust than a high-gloss image from a photo bank. Your followers want to see authenticity, not perfection.

Pro Tip:

Next time you’re tempted to post a stock photo of a random house, post something from your current listings, or even just a snapshot from your day—your desk, your coffee, a funny moment at a showing.

4. Engage Like You Mean It

Posting is just step one. If you’re not interacting with your followers, you’re leaving money on the table. When someone comments on your post, reply! Ask them questions, start a conversation, get involved. Social media is social for a reason—it’s a two-way street.

And don’t just wait for people to come to you. Go out there and engage with their posts. Congratulate a fellow agent on their sale, comment on a client’s big life event. You build relationships through interactions, not just posts.

Pro Tip:

Every day, spend 10 minutes scrolling through your feed and leave meaningful comments on 5 posts. Do it consistently, and watch how your engagement skyrockets.

5. Educate Your Audience

You’ve got knowledge that people want. Most folks don’t know how the real estate market works, and they’re looking to you for guidance. Create posts that offer real value. Explain the home-buying process in simple steps. Talk about current market trends. Share tips on what first-time buyers should know before putting in an offer.

When you’re seen as an expert, people come to you when they’re ready to make a move.

Pro Tip:

Create a “Tip of the Day” series. It could be about anything—negotiating, market insights, mortgage advice. Make it short, sweet, and actionable. Not only does this keep you top of mind, but it positions you as the go-to person for real estate advice.

6. Post Less, But Post Better

Quality beats quantity every time. If you’re posting just to check the box, your audience will feel it. Instead of posting 7 bland updates a week, focus on 3-4 posts that really stand out. Spend time crafting them, adding personality, and making them worth the read. The key is to be memorable, not just present.

Pro Tip:

Before hitting ‘post,’ ask yourself: “Would I stop scrolling for this?” If the answer’s no, go back and tweak it until it’s worth your audience’s attention.

7. Leverage Video and Stories

If you’re not using video, you’re missing out. People love seeing behind-the-scenes clips of your day. Give them a tour of a new listing, or talk to the camera about the latest market trend. It doesn’t have to be fancy—people love real and unfiltered.

Instagram Stories and Reels are a goldmine for engagement. They’re quick, fun, and perfect for giving your audience a glimpse into your world.

Pro Tip:

Start simple—take a 15-second video of you at an open house or touring a neighborhood. Talk to the camera like you’re having a chat with a friend. Watch the views and comments start rolling in.

8. Track What Works—And What Doesn’t

Pay attention to your analytics. See what types of posts are getting the most likes, shares, and comments, then double down on what works. Is it your market insights? Your behind-the-scenes posts? Keep an eye on trends, and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Pro Tip:

At the end of each month, look back at your social media stats and see which posts performed best. Use that data to create a roadmap for next month’s content.

Final Thoughts: Be Real, Be Relatable, Be You

At the end of the day, social media isn’t a “one-size-fits-all” solution. What works for one agent might not work for another. The key is to be yourself and share content that reflects your unique personality and expertise. Authenticity wins in a world full of noise.

Ready to take your social game up a notch? Stick with Splits and Caps for more tips and tricks to help you stand out, build relationships, and get results.

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