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Closing Your First Deal: The Stuff They Don’t Teach You in Real Estate School

So, you’ve passed your exams, maybe even got a shiny new headshot, and now you’re thinking: Alright, time to close my first deal. But here’s the reality check—they didn’t teach you half the stuff you need to know in Realtor school. When it comes to actually getting that first deal across the finish line, there’s a lot of “figure it out as you go” involved. But don’t worry, I’ve got you covered.

1. It’s All About the Follow-Up Game

Your first lead is gold, but if you think they’re going to hand you the deal on a silver platter just because you smiled pretty and showed them some homes, you’re in for a rude awakening. The magic happens in the follow-up. Every. Single. Time. Call them, text them, send that email—whatever it takes to stay top of mind. Without this hustle, your lead will ghost you faster than you can say “escrow.”

2. Negotiation Isn’t a Script, It’s a Dance

Realtor school gives you the basics: offer, counteroffer, rejection, repeat. But in the real world, closing a deal is more like a dance—you’ve gotta feel the room, read the other side, and pivot when necessary. Every buyer and seller has their own motivation. If you can tap into that, you can close a deal that looks impossible on paper. Pro tip: listen more than you talk. You’d be shocked how much power you get from staying quiet when the other side is trying to fill the silence.

3. Expect Curveballs (and Don’t Freak Out)

Your first deal will not go according to plan. Let me save you the surprise: There will be hiccups. Whether it’s financing falling through, a bad home inspection, or your client getting cold feet the night before closing—something will go sideways. And guess what? It’s your job to stay cool under pressure and fix it. The agents who can handle these curveballs without losing their minds are the ones who stick around long-term.

4. Your Client Needs More Than Just a Realtor

Here’s what no one told you: You’re not just selling houses, you’re selling confidence. Your client—whether buyer or seller—is freaking out on the inside. You need to be their therapist, their hype person, and their advisor all in one. They’re looking to you for reassurance that everything’s going to be fine, even when it might not feel that way. Your calm, steady guidance is what earns their trust, and trust is what gets deals closed.

5. The Real Work Starts After the Contract Is Signed

You got the signature—amazing! But now is when the real grind begins. You’ve got inspections to manage, financing to stay on top of, documents to gather, and about 100 other small things that could derail the deal. Stay organized, stay on top of deadlines, and for the love of all things holy, double-check every detail. One missed document or misunderstood deadline, and you’re back to square one.

Closing your first deal is a wild ride—they can’t teach you everything in Realtor school because every deal is different. But if you keep your hustle strong, expect the unexpected, and bring your A-game to every interaction, you’ll not only close that first deal, but you’ll also set yourself up for many more to come. The first one’s always the hardest, but it’s also the sweetest. Let’s get it!

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