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  • 5 Rookie Moves You Gotta Avoid if You Want to Survive Year One

5 Rookie Moves You Gotta Avoid if You Want to Survive Year One

Alright, rookie—it’s time for some tough love. Real estate is no joke, and your first year is make-or-break territory. If you want to avoid face-planting and actually build some momentum, steer clear of these 5 classic rookie mistakes. Trust me, we’ve all been there.

1. Thinking Leads Will Just Find You

Spoiler alert: they won’t. You can’t sit back and wait for leads to magically pop up in your inbox. Get out there, pound the pavement, make the calls, and hit up those networking events. Hustle is your best friend right now.

2. Skipping the Follow-Up

You did the hard part—made a connection, had a convo—but then you ghost them? Rookie mistake. Following up is where deals are made. Stay on top of your prospects and don’t let that “almost” deal slip through your fingers.

3. Overloading on Information

Here’s the thing: there’s so much info out there, you’ll drown if you try to learn it all. Stick to what matters most. Master the basics, then build. You don’t need to know every zoning law in the state on Day 1—just enough to make moves.

4. Faking It Till You Make It (In the Wrong Way)

Confidence is key, but don’t act like you know everything when you don’t. Clients will see right through it. It’s okay to say, “I’m not sure, but I’ll find out.” People appreciate honesty way more than empty promises.

5. Not Investing in Yourself

You’re the product, so invest in your own growth. Whether it’s marketing tools, training, or a killer suit—bet on yourself. The more you level up, the more clients will notice. Just remember: you get out what you put in.

Avoid these landmines, keep your hustle sharp, and you’ll survive Year One like a boss.

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